Mastering Interview Techniques: A Guide to Success

Interview is a spoken exam of your ability by speaking. Interview serves two purposes:

  1. Provides the employer with an opportunity to determine if the applicant is the right candidate for the job.
  2. Allows the applicant to determine if the company is suitable for him or not.

Interview techniques are taught in Asta Achievers by the expert and experienced trainers. We offer best ielts classes in Gurgaon.

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Appearing in an interview is the most stressful job in the entire job search process, but three R’s can make it successful-

  1. Research- Research the company and be informed about its products and services. 
  2. Rehearse – Practice interview with a friend or family member and it will be much easier when you are actually in a job interview.
  3. Relax- Stay calm and maintain eye contact with the interviewer.

Types of Interviews

  1. Formal Interview- It can last for an hour. The interview takes place in the office and the interviewer asks the candidate some questions to gain a thorough understanding of the candidate’s background.
  2. Informal Interview – The employer usually meets the candidate for a brief period. In this type of Interview, the interviewer asks some questions to determine if the candidate has sufficient experience to do the job and to get further information about his qualification and family background.
  3. Panel Interview – The candidate is interviewed by a panel of three or more interviewers at the same time. Usually, they have a prepared list of questions.
  4. Behavior based Interview – The theory behind this type of interview is that a person’s success(accomplishments)in the past jobs is the best predictor of what their performance will be in future job, how he/she used his/her experience and skills in specific situations. 
  5. Interview phases – Some companies shortlist the candidates by conducting written tests. Then they conduct Preliminary Interviews, if the candidate gets selected, then they have to appear in the final Interview.

Global Interview

Many organizations are now using technology to make interviewing less expensive while simultaneously casting a wide geographic net to attract a global candidate pool.

  1. Mail Interviews – An email interview is sometimes used 

as an initial hiring process. It can be difficult as you are not face-to-face with the interviewer. Don’t be too chatty, keep it professional, but try to build some relationships by using the interviewer’s name and information you know about the organization. 

  1. Video Interviews – If done with an overseas office, the time  

difference can make an impact if the interview is either in the early morning or late at night. Be aware of the importance of looking into the lens (eye contact), smile and do your best and don’t elaborate unnecessarily.

  1. Telephonic Interviews – The nice thing about being evaluated over the phone is that you can keep the notes in front of you to give examples of your previous accomplishments that you want to mention. Make a conscious effort to remain upbeat and focused. Ask good questions and use the interviewer’s name when appropriate.

Candidates are prepared well in Asta Achievers by conducting mock interviews with them from time to time. 

How to Prepare

Update yourself by reading newspapers and watching news channels daily. Have awareness about politics, social events, economy, sports, etc. The interview is the final hurdle which the candidate has to cross in order to get the job which he/she is seeking. The personal qualities of the candidate such as intelligence, behavior, ready wit, presence of mind, confidence, etc. are assessed. A candidate may have obtained a first-class degree but he/she may not perform well at the interview and may be found unfit for the job applied. Many candidates who pass the written test are unable to impress the interviewer and are, therefore, rejected.

The candidates have to remember that the interviewers are persons of wide knowledge and experience. They are able to judge the real character and worth of a person by his speech, expressions and self-presentation. They have a mental picture of the person who would be best fitted for the job and they can judge how far the candidate coincides with their ideal image.

The candidate, therefore, has to give their best performance. One must remember that the first impression is the last impression. So, the candidate must possess certain fundamental qualities, such as:

  1.  CONFIDENCE – No candidate can face an interview if they are nervous and shaky. It is not easy for a person who is shy and timid to appear calm and confident. If you have a strong will to win, you will get the way. Try to be sociable and mix with different types of people. The more experience you gather, the more confidence you develop. In your free time, you should participate in different types of activities, physical as well as mental. 
  2.  PERSONALITY – Your personality is your greatest asset. Your personality includes physique, appearance, intelligence, aptitude and individual’s characteristic ways of conducting themselves in everyday situations. One should try to develop pleasing and dynamic traits. The way a candidate opens the room, wishes the interviewer, draws the chair and sits down, their facial expressions, all these are embodied in the candidate’s personality.
  3. EXPRESSIONS – The way a candidate expresses his/her thoughts and ideas is very much responsible in deciding his fate at the interview. If your thoughts and ideas are clear, you will be able to express them clearly in an impressive way. Your answers should be precise and well-spoken in a clear and impressive tone. Your face should wear a natural and cheerful smile. Never interrupt the interviewer even when you are tempted to do so. Speak out only when he finishes.
  4. ALERTNESS -The candidate should be very much alert at the time of interview. Sometimes the interviewer interrupts the candidate while he/she is answering a question and puts entirely a different type of question. In this case, the candidate must forget the previous question and pay all his/her attention to the new question and answer it successfully without showing any sign of irritation.
  5. MANNERS – A person is generally judged by his/her manners Your manners show your status and background. Keep calm and composed. Don’t show your nervousness by moving your hands unnecessarily, shaking legs while sitting, thumping the table to emphasize a point should be avoided.
  6. SMARTNESS – The candidate should be smartly dressed. Your clothes should be well-tailored and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Your dress must be sober, simple and pleasing. You should feel comfortable in your clothes. Your shoes should be well polished. Your hair should be well combed without looking oily. Avoid wearing strong smelling perfume. It should have soothing fragrance. 



Demonstrate knowledge about the company. Encourage the interviewer to share information about their company.

Show your interest and enthusiasm while answering the questions.       

 Give your best to the interviewer. Cover your weakness through the presentation of your previous achievements.

  1. Keep calm and show your enthusiasm during the interview. 
  2. Be attentive and answer the questions in a normal and natural way. Adopt a pleasing manner of speech.
  3. Be prompt without being hasty, quick without being aggressive.
  4. Try to show your interest in the job and never give the impression that you are casually appearing before the interview.
  5. Shake hands and thank them after the interview. Remind them about how interested you are in the position they are looking for to fill. If they don’t inform you, call them within ten days to get your results.


  1. Don’t call the interviewer by their first name.
  2. Avoid bringing food or drink, chewing gum, candy etc.
  3. Don’t make any negative comments about your previous employer or any colleague.
  4. Avoid demands about salary, working hours or holidays until they discuss with you.
  5. Don’t use slangs- wanna, gonna, ya and so on. Use proper formal English.
  6. Don’t interrupt or argue with the interviewer. If you don’t understand any question, you can ask them politely to repeat it.
  7. Don’t talk more than what is required.
  8. Don’t speak in a vague or obscure manner.
  9. Don’t try to flatter or bluff the interviewer.
  10. Don’t put counter questions to the interviewer.
  11. Switch off your mobile phone.


  1. What are your greatest strengths?

Prior to any interview, you should have a list of your greatest strengths. For example- Honesty/ Good Communication Skills/ Dedication/ Intelligence/ Enthusiasm/ ability to focus on projects/ leadership qualities.

  1. Talk about yourself.

Begin with the latest and give reason why you are suitable for the job. Do your homework before the interview to know the employer’s wants and needs.

 What are your weaknesses?

  1. What are your goals?
  2. What excites you about your work?
  3. If you had to do things differently in your role, what would they be and why?
  4. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?
  5. What does success mean to you?
  6. What does failure mean to you?
  7. How do you make important decisions?
  8. If you could start your career over again, what would you do?
  9. Tell me about your last position.
  10. What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last position?
  11.  Why do you want to quit your current job?
  12.  What do you expect from your employer?
  13.  Why should we hire you?
  14. How would your colleagues describe you?
  15.  If your work-life were to feature in the news, what would 

      the headline says and why? 

  1. Do you work well with other people?
  2. How would you adjust to working for a different company?
  3. How do you handle stress?
  4. How would you describe your work style?
  5. How many hours do you work?
  6. What are you passionate about?
  7. Why do you think you are suitable for this job?

Asta Achievers is the #1 leading institute for IELTS classes in Gurgaon, offering top-quality training to help students excel in the IELTS exam. In addition to IELTS, Asta Achievers also provides expert coaching for OET classes in Gurgaon, making it a top choice for healthcare professionals preparing for the Occupational English Test. Furthermore, Asta Achievers is a recognized PTE exam center in Gurugram, providing comprehensive guidance and support to ensure success in the PTE exam. With experienced trainers and a proven track record, Asta Achievers is the go-to destination for English proficiency exams.

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